Cingal injections for knee pain caused by osteoarthritis.
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Last Updated On: March 29, 2024

Exploring Affordable Solutions: Cingal Injection Cost and Value Proposition

Published on: Feb 29, 2024

Did you know that over 50 million adults in the United States experience knee pain, with osteoarthritis (OA) being the most common culprit? While conventional treatments like pain relievers and physical therapy offer relief, they may not always provide long-term solutions or address the root cause.

Cingal injections are a novel and rapidly growing approach in orthopedic medicine. These innovative injections combine the fast-acting pain relief of corticosteroids with the long-lasting lubrication benefits of hyaluronic acid (HA) supplements. This unique combination aims to provide a comprehensive and effective solution for managing knee pain.

This article delves into the cost of Cingal injections, compares them to alternative treatments, and explores the potential value proposition for individuals seeking relief from chronic knee pain and a path to improved quality of life. 

Key Takeaways

  • The cost of Cingal injections is influenced by various factors, including the components used and market demand.
  • Cingal injections offer potential long-term benefits, including sustained pain relief and improved joint function.
  • Patients, caregivers, and healthcare practitioners can make informed decisions by considering the cost and value of Cingal injections in their orthopedic care journey.

Understanding the Cost of Cingal Injections

When considering orthopedic care, treatment costs are significant for patients, caregivers, and healthcare practitioners. Cingal injection cost can vary based on factors like the components of the injection and the number of treatments you need to get.

Factors Influencing the Pricing of Cingal Injections

While Cingal injection for knee pain offer a promising approach to managing the effects of osteoarthritis (OA), their cost can vary depending on several factors:

  • Product Cost: Cingal combines corticosteroid and hyaluronic acid (HA), offering a unique approach to treating knee and hip pain. This combination means it can provide relief with just one shot. However, making Cingal is costly, mainly since it uses high-quality HA.
  • Doctor’s experience and expertise: Board-certified physicians with extensive experience administering Cingal injections may charge more than those with less experience.
  • Location and Accessibility: Getting Cingal in some places is more accessible. In a big city with many clinics, you pay less than someone in a remote area. Traveling for treatment can also add to your costs.
  • Insurance Coverage: Not all insurance plans cover Cingal injections similarly. Some might pay a big part of the bill, while others leave more for you to cover.
  • Number of injections: The recommended Cingal injections needed to achieve optimal results can also affect the price.

Components of Cingal

Cingal injections combine two key ingredients to tackle knee osteoarthritis: a corticosteroid and hyaluronic acid (HA). The corticosteroid component offers fast-acting relief, immediately reducing pain and inflammation. While effective initially, its pain-relieving effects typically last 2-3 weeks. 

On the other hand, hyaluronic acid, a natural lubricant found in healthy joints, acts as a viscosupplement. By cushioning and protecting the cartilage, HA injections offer sustained benefits, potentially lasting up to 6 months, depending on individual factors. 

This combination allows Cingal injections to address immediate and long-term concerns associated with knee osteoarthritis.

Comparison of Cingal Injection With Other Orthopedic Treatments

Understanding the financial implications of choosing Cingal injections over other orthopedic treatments is crucial. Here, we present a comparison to illuminate the cost distinctions and underscore the value proposition of Cingal, leveraging its significant pain reduction benefits and cost-effectiveness against other similar treatments.

TreatmentAverage CostDuration of EffectivenessKey Benefits
Cingal InjectionVariesUp to 6 monthsBlends hyaluronic acid and corticosteroid to deliver immediate pain relief
Cortisone ShotsLower than Cingal3-4 monthsQuick pain relief
Knee Replacement SurgerySignificantly higher15-20 yearsLong-term solution for severe cases

This table demonstrates that while initial costs for Cingal injections may appear higher than some alternatives, the combination of hyaluronic acid and corticosteroid offers a unique benefit profile. Importantly, its cost-effectiveness shines when considering the longer duration of pain relief and the potential to avoid more invasive procedures like knee replacement surgery.

Ideal Candidates for Cingal Injections

Cingal injections offer promising results for managing knee osteoarthritis, but they are not suitable for everyone. Individuals who might be considered ideal candidates for this treatment option are those diagnosed with knee osteoarthritis (OA), as Cingal is specifically designed to address the pain and inflammation associated with this condition.

On the other hand, it can also benefit patients seeking a non-surgical approach to address OA. This can be particularly appealing to individuals who cannot get surgery due to underlying health conditions or prefer to avoid surgical intervention.

It’s important for individuals considering Cingal injections to have realistic expectations. While they can significantly improve pain management and function, they are not a cure for osteoarthritis and may not eliminate pain or restore full joint function.

Assessing the Value Proposition of Cingal Injections

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In addition to understanding the cost of Cingal injections, assessing their value in terms of efficacy, long-term benefits, pain relief, improved joint function, and overall quality of life for patients is crucial.

Efficacy and Long-Term Benefits of Cingal Injections

Clinical studies have shown Cingal injections to be an effective option for managing pain and improving joint function in individuals with knee osteoarthritis. Compared to other treatment options like saline injections or hyaluronic acid alone, Cingal has demonstrated:

  • Faster pain relief: Studies indicate significant pain reduction within weeks of receiving a Cingal injection, compared to potential delays with other options.
  • Long-lasting benefits: The unique corticosteroid and hyaluronic acid (HA) blend provides immediate and sustained relief. While the corticosteroid offers quick pain reduction, the hyaluronic acid’s viscosupplementation effects can last up to 6 months or more.
  • Improved function and mobility: Cingal injections can help individuals regain mobility and efficiently perform activities by reducing pain and inflammation.

Cingalā€™s Impact on Overall Quality of Life and Patient Outcomes

Beyond addressing pain and inflammation, Cingal injections can significantly impact a patient’s overall quality of life and experience positive health outcomes. Cingal injections can help individuals regain mobility and participate in daily activities more efficiently by reducing pain and stiffness. 

This can encompass simple tasks like climbing stairs or walking longer distances and potentially allow for engaging in hobbies or sports that were previously difficult due to pain. Such was the case for Shayne Gauthier, a linebacker for the Winnipeg Blue Bombers.

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Image Courtesy of Shayne Gauthier via Instagram

Gauthier shares that aside from being an active CFL player, he also coaches as a part-time gig. His line of work meant he had to stand for long periods, and eventually, he started feeling pain in his knees. After consulting with his orthopedic specialist, they tried Cingal after discovering Gauthier had knee osteoarthritis (OA).

He immediately felt relief from joint pain thanks to Cingalā€™s powerful formulation. Despite having been diagnosed with knee OA, he was able to return to his duties as a coach and football player. Cingal relieved him from joint pain for several months, making it possible for Gauthier to play in the regular season.

Another fellow athlete found relief and improved quality of life with Cingal hyaluronic acid injections. Jeff Keeping, former center for the Toronto Argonauts and president of the CFL Playersā€™ Association, suffered a knee injury in 2016.

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Image Courtesy of Jeff Keeping via LinkedIn

He initially received Monovisc so he could return to training. Following that, he got a shot of Cingal, and the instant pain relief from this viscosupplement allowed him to stay on top of his training schedule. Thanks to Cingal, Keeping attended his weekly training with no knee pain.

Making Informed Decisions

Licensed healthcare professional assessing the knee of a male patient.

For patients, caregivers, and healthcare practitioners, making informed decisions about orthopedic care involves considering the cost and value of treatments like Cingal injections.

Considerations for Patients Exploring Treatment Options

Patients face many choices when dealing with knee pain. Exploring treatment options like a Cingal injection needs careful thought, as patients must consider the potential benefits and long-term value of Cingal injections against their cost.

Here is what they can do:

  • Individual needs and diagnosis: Every individual experiences osteoarthritis differently. After a doctor diagnoses you, they can assess your medical history, the severity of your condition, and any potential risks or limitations associated with various treatment options.
  • Realistic expectations: While Cingal hyaluronic acid injections can significantly improve pain management, function, and overall quality of life, they are not a cure and may not eliminate pain or restore full joint function.
  • Consider cost and effectiveness: Check the price of getting Cingal injections and how well they work by reading reviews or testimonials from previous patients. Think about how this fits your budget and needs.

Managing Healthcare Expenses and Optimizing Value for Caregivers

As a caregiver supporting someone with knee osteoarthritis, navigating healthcare costs and ensuring they receive the most value from their treatment plan is a significant responsibility. Here’s how you can approach managing expenses and optimizing the value of Cingal injections:

  • Research: Familiarize yourself with your region’s typical cost range of Cingal injections. This can involve contacting healthcare providers or insurance companies for estimates.
  • Insurance coverage: Thoroughly understand your loved one’s insurance plan details, specifically regarding coverage for Cingal injections. This includes determining out-of-pocket costs, prior authorization requirements, or coverage limitations.
  • Explore financial assistance programs: Some manufacturers or healthcare providers may offer patient assistance programs or discounts to help manage the cost of Cingal injections. Researching and exploring these options can significantly reduce the financial burden.
  • Open communication: Maintain open communication with your loved one’s doctor regarding their progress, response to treatment, and any concerns about potential side effects. This allows for adjustments to the treatment plan, potentially reducing the need for additional injections and associated costs.
  • Long-term management: Remember, managing osteoarthritis is often an ongoing process. Collaborate with the doctor to develop a long-term management plan that considers the effectiveness, affordability, and sustainability of Cingal injections alongside other treatment options.

By understanding the cost landscape, exploring ways to optimize treatment value, and fostering open communication with healthcare professionals, you can play a crucial role in ensuring your loved one receives the best possible care and maximizes the value of Cingal injections within their treatment plan.

Providing Value-Driven Care for Healthcare Practitioners

As a healthcare practitioner, offering your patients effective treatment options while considering costs is crucial. Cingal injections can be a valuable tool in your arsenal for managing knee osteoarthritis, but it’s essential to understand how they contribute to value-driven care.

Value-driven care emphasizes providing patients with effective and evidence-based treatments while considering the cost-effectiveness and overall impact on their well-being. Here’s how Cingal injections can contribute to this approach:

  • Improved Patient Outcomes: Studies have shown that Cingal relieves pain and improves mobility in people suffering from osteoarthritis (OA) compared to other treatment options, translating to better patient outcomes, increasing satisfaction, and potentially reducing reliance on other interventions.
  • Reduced Reliance on Pain Medication: Cingal injections offer a non-surgical and potentially less invasive approach to managing pain compared to other options. This can be particularly valuable for patients who may not be suitable for surgery or prefer to avoid prolonged use of pain medication.
  • Potential Cost Savings: By effectively managing pain and potentially reducing the need for additional interventions or hospital visits, Cingal injections may lower overall healthcare costs in the long run.


The cost-effectiveness and value proposition of Cingal injections is multifaceted. By understanding the factors influencing pricing, assessing the potential benefits, and considering the long-term value, patients, caregivers, and healthcare practitioners can make informed decisions prioritizing cost and efficacy in orthopedic care.

About: Since 2014, Maylips has garnered trust from over 2,000 global clients, establishing itself as a premier supplier of cosmetic, skincare, and orthopedic products for medical and aesthetic professionals, including Cingal injection price which is competitive. Their extensive inventory features authentic brand-name products sourced worldwide, ensuring quality and affordability. Whether your practice requires dermal fillers, botulinum toxins, mesotherapy, PRP kits, or other solutions, Maylips is committed to providing high-quality products and exceptional customer service, serving as your reliable partner in achieving your medical and aesthetic goals.


1. What is Cingal Injection?

Cingal injection is a treatment for knee pain caused by osteoarthritis. It is a single injection that contains a combination of hyaluronic acid (HA) and a steroid. HA is a natural substance that lubricates and cushions the joint, while the steroid reduces inflammation and provides fast relief.

2. Will getting Cingal injections hurt?

Cingal injections may cause pain and discomfort at the injection site, as well as possible swelling, heat, rash, itching, bruising, redness, and achiness. These side effects are usually mild and temporary and should subside within a few days.

3. Is it safe to get more than one shot of Cingal?

Clinical trials have proven that repeated injections of Cingal yield positive results. However, results still depend on individual factors. Patients should discuss with a doctor to determine the appropriate number and timing based on their needs and medical history.


Arthritis. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Published October 5, 2023.

Hangody LR, Szody R, Łukasik P, et al. Intraarticular Injection of a Cross-Linked Sodium Hyaluronate Combined with Triamcinolone Hexacetonide (Cingal) to Provide Symptomatic Relief of Osteoarthritis of the Knee: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Multicenter Clinical Trial. CARTILAGE. 2017;9(3):276-283. doi:10.1177/1947603517703732