A woman receives Restylane to enhance her skin and overall appearance.
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Last Updated On: April 16, 2024

The Long-Term Benefits of Restylane for Collagen Synthesis

Published on: Apr 3, 2024

Over 90% of the collagen found in our bodies is Type I, which is essential for providing structure and elasticity to our skin. Unfortunately, studies have shown that collagen levels naturally decline by about 1% each year after our mid-20s. This breakdown ultimately leads to visible signs of aging, such as deep creases and sagging. 

Restylane is a famous brand of dermal fillers that can counteract this decline. It offers immediate volume restoration to improve aging skin, but there’s more to Restylane than meets the eye. Its unique properties may also hold promise for promoting long-term benefits in collagen health.

In this article, we will explore Restylane’s potential to stimulate collagen synthesis and delve into the science behind how these fillers work to provide long-term skin rejuvenation.

Key Takeaways

  • Collagen is essential for skin structure and elasticity but naturally declines with age, leading to signs of aging such as wrinkles and sagging skin.
  • Restylane contains hyaluronic acid (HA) that replenishes lost volume and provides immediate hydration, resulting in a smoother and more youthful appearance.
  • Restylane’s unique formulation, including non-animal stabilized hyaluronic acid (NASHA), may encourage collagen production, offering potential long-term benefits for skin rejuvenation.
  • Clinical studies have demonstrated that Restylane injections can trigger fibroblasts to generate new collagen, ultimately improving skin texture and reducing wrinkles.

Understanding Restylane and Its Mechanism of Action

Restylane is an FDA-approved hyaluronic acid (HA) dermal filler. It contains a biodegradable, non-animal-stabilized hyaluronic acid (NASHA) injectable gel. This substance is naturally found in all living organisms and is critical in maintaining skin volume and hydration.

Because of age, our body’s natural production of HA diminishes. With less HA, we experience loss of facial volume, the development of wrinkles, and drier skin. Healthcare professionals administer Restylane into the targeted areas to replenish the lost HA, leading to better, more radiant skin.

How Restylane Works as a Dermal Filler

Restylane’s mechanism of action primarily involves two essential effects:

  • Immediate Volume Restoration: Upon injection, the hyaluronic acid in Restylane fills in the targeted area, instantly plumping up wrinkles and folds. The filler provides a visible smoothing effect, reducing the appearance of lines and creating a more youthful contour.
  • Hydration Boost: Restylane’s hyaluronic acid attracts and holds onto water molecules within the skin tissues. This increased hydration plumps the skin from within, further enhancing the volumizing effect and promoting a smoother, more supple appearance.

Replenishing Lost Volume and Smoothing Wrinkles

The gel’s consistency and capacity to bind water help restore a youthful appearance to the skin. Moreover, the combined effects of volume restoration and hydration make Restylane effective in addressing various signs of facial aging:

  • Wrinkles and Lines: By filling in wrinkles and folds around the mouth, nose, and eyes, Restylane provides a smoother and more youthful appearance.
  • Volume Loss: Restylane can restore lost volume in areas like cheeks, temples, and lips, creating a more balanced and defined facial contour.
  • Lip Enhancement: Restylane fillers can add volume and definition to lips, addressing concerns about thinness or unevenness.

The Specific Benefits of Restylane for Collagen Synthesis

Collagen's structure on a dish.

While many professionals and patients recognize Restylane’s immediate effects of volumizing and hydrating the skin, some still need to learn about its ability to promote collagen synthesis and offer long-term benefits. 

Collagen is a protein that is fundamental in maintaining youthful, healthy skin. Understanding this process and how Restylane uniquely contributes to it is essential for anyone considering this type of dermal filler.

The Role of Collagen in Skin Structure and Elasticity

Collagen is the most abundant protein in the human body. It forms the scaffolding that provides structure, strength, and elasticity to our skin. There are various types of collagen, with Type I collagen being the most crucial for facial skin. 

Collagen fibers intertwine to form a supportive network within the dermis, the middle layer of the skin. This network provides the foundation for plump, firm skin and is vital in wound healing.

Unfortunately, collagen production naturally declines with age. This decrease contributes to the visible signs of aging, like wrinkles, sagging skin, and loss of facial volume. Sun exposure, environmental factors, and lifestyle choices can further accelerate this decline.

Clinical Evidence Supporting Restylane’s Ability to Stimulate Collagen Production

Clinical studies have shown that Restylane injections can do more than just fill in wrinkles; they can also stimulate the body’s collagen production. This effect happens because of the mechanical stretching of skin cells from the product and the biochemical properties of the hyaluronic acid in Restylane.

The hyaluronic acid in Restylane adds volume and triggers fibroblasts, which generate new collagen, improve skin texture and reduce wrinkles over time.

Restylane’s Unique Formulation and Biocompatibility for Collagen Synthesis

The main component in Restylane’s formulation is non-animal stabilized hyaluronic acid (NASHA), which is highly biocompatible with human tissues. This type of hyaluronic acid (HA) reduces the risk of allergic reactions and ensures the product integrates well with the skin’s natural structure.

The unique formulation of Restylane allows it to mimic the body’s hyaluronic acid, minimizing the risk of rejection and providing a natural scaffold for collagen synthesis. This scaffolding supports the skin’s natural functions and contributes to a more youthful appearance.

Medical professionals can provide long-lasting benefits beyond mere filling by using Restylane for face rejuvenation or under-eye corrections. Restylane rebuilds the body’s natural collagen stores for sustained youthfulness.

Exploring the Long-Term Benefits of Restylane Treatment

A female patient feels empowered and happy with her improved appearance after receiving Restylane.

While Restylane is known for its immediate volumizing and wrinkle-smoothing effects, its benefits extend far beyond the initial injection. Studies and user experiences suggest that Restylane offers a range of long-term advantages contributing to lasting improvements in skin health and appearance.

Sustained Improvements in Skin Quality, Texture, and Elasticity

Beyond the initial filling and smoothing, Restylane’s unique properties can lead to long-term benefits for your skin’s overall health and quality:

  • Hydration Boost: As mentioned earlier, Restylane’s hyaluronic acid attracts and retains moisture within the skin. This sustained hydration plumps the skin from within, leading to a long-lasting improvement in texture and a reduction in dryness.
  • Collagen Stimulation: As discussed previously, Restylane can trigger the body’s natural collagen production process. This ongoing collagen synthesis strengthens the skin’s underlying structure, improving elasticity and a youthful, supple appearance.
  • Enhanced Skin Cell Turnover: Some studies suggest that Restylane injections may stimulate the production of new skin cells. This stimulation can result in a smoother, brighter complexion and a reduction in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

The Role of Regular Maintenance Sessions and Proper Skincare

Aesthetic specialists recommend maintenance treatments to maximize Restylane’s long-term benefits. A typical treatment program may consist of three initial sessions 2-4 weeks apart, followed by maintenance sessions every six months.

Moreover, following a proper skincare routine can help support the health and longevity of Restylane’s benefits. This routine includes sun protection, gentle cleansing, and using hyaluronic acid-based moisturizers to enhance Restylane’s effects further. By protecting your skin from environmental damage and promoting healthy cell turnover, you can extend the longevity of your Restylane treatment.

Avoiding the Need for More Invasive Procedures

Restylane offers a minimally invasive approach to address signs of aging. Here’s how it can potentially help you postpone or avoid the need for more drastic measures:

  • Proactive Approach: By addressing early signs of aging with Restylane, you can slow the progression of wrinkles and sagging skin. This proactive approach may help you maintain a youthful appearance longer and delay the need for more invasive procedures like surgical facelifts.
  • Natural-Looking Results: Restylane subtly restores volume and definition, mimicking the natural contours of your face. This effect allows for a more natural-looking rejuvenation compared to some surgical procedures that can sometimes lead to a more “done” appearance.

Addressing Misconceptions About Dermal Fillers and Collagen Stimulation

Dermal fillers, like Restylane, have become increasingly popular for achieving a more youthful appearance. However, some misconceptions surround their effects, particularly regarding collagen stimulation. Let’s clear up some common misunderstandings to ensure realistic expectations and maximize the benefits of dermal fillers.

Immediate Results vs. Long-Term Collagen Synthesis

One of the biggest misconceptions is that dermal fillers directly replace lost collagen. While they offer immediate volume restoration and wrinkle smoothing, this is a physical effect due to the filler material. Over time, fillers can stimulate the body’s collagen production, contributing to the skin’s structural integrity and elasticity.

Hyaluronic acid fillers like Restylane can trigger the body’s natural collagen production process. However, this collagen synthesis doesn’t happen overnight. It can take weeks or even months to see the full effects of collagen stimulation on skin texture and elasticity.

The Importance of Patience and Realistic Expectations

Setting realistic expectations is crucial when considering dermal filler treatments. While the initial effects can be seen almost immediately, the full benefits, especially those related to collagen synthesis, require time to manifest. 

Patients should have patience and understand that the journey to optimal results is gradual. Effective communication with a healthcare provider can help align expectations with achievable outcomes, ensuring satisfaction with the treatment.

They must schedule initial and follow-up consultations to communicate effectively between patients and their providers. During these consultations, patients can address some concerns with the procedure. These concerns can include the safety of getting dermal fillers or asking questions like, “Is Restylane permanent?” to help manage expectations.

They can also discuss the different types of fillers available, explain the individual variation in results, and create a personalized treatment plan to achieve your goals.

Understanding the Timeline for Optimal Results

The timeline for optimal results with dermal fillers can vary depending on several factors:

  • Type of Filler: Different fillers have varying durations of action. Some provide immediate results that last several months, while others offer a more gradual improvement with longer-lasting effects.
  • Individual Response: Everyone’s body reacts differently to fillers. Some individuals may see noticeable collagen stimulation within a few weeks, while others may take longer.
  • Treatment Area: The area treated can also influence the timeline. Areas with more movement, like around the mouth, may require frequent touch-up sessions to maintain optimal results.

Practical Tips and Recommendations for Restylane Treatment

A healthcare professional discusses Restylane treatment with a female patient.

Whether you’re a patient considering Restylane or a healthcare professional aiming to optimize patient outcomes, there are some considerations for this treatment.

  • Consultation is Key: Schedule a comprehensive consultation with a qualified healthcare professional experienced in dermal fillers. Discuss your goals, medical history, and any allergies you may have. They can assess your suitability for Restylane and recommend the most appropriate type and amount of filler for your needs.
  • Realistic Expectations: Understand the difference between immediate results and long-term benefits. While you’ll immediately see the filling and smoothing effects, collagen stimulation takes time. Be patient and allow your body to respond to the treatment.
  • Aftercare is Important: Follow your healthcare professional’s post-treatment instructions carefully. These instructions may include avoiding strenuous activity, applying ice packs, and using gentle skincare products.

Insights for Healthcare Professionals on Optimizing Patient Outcomes

Healthcare professionals can optimize patient outcomes by carefully selecting candidates for Restylane treatments, providing thorough pre-treatment counseling, and understanding the patient’s medical history, skin type, and aesthetic goals. Aiming for subtle enhancements complementing the patient’s natural features is also essential. Overfilling can lead to an unnatural appearance.

These experts should also individualize their approach to patients. By considering the patient’s facial anatomy and lifestyle, specialists can choose the type and amount of Restylane to use for the treatment. 

Empowering Informed Decisions for Natural and Sustainable Facial Rejuvenation

Restylane offers a minimally invasive option for facial rejuvenation that can provide natural-looking results. To prolong the effects, healthcare professionals should inform patients about the benefits of combining Restylane treatments with a good skincare routine and healthy lifestyle choices. 

Furthermore, discussing the differences between natural and synthetic fillers can help patients make decisions that align with their preferences for facial enhancement.


Restylane offers significant long-term benefits for collagen synthesis, making it an effective solution for natural and sustainable facial rejuvenation. Individuals can make informed decisions about Restylane treatment by understanding the mechanism of action, the specific benefits of collagen stimulation, and its long-term improvements. 

With the guidance of healthcare professionals and a commitment to proper aftercare, patients can enjoy lasting rejuvenation without the need for more invasive procedures.

About: Trusted by over 2,000+ global clients since 2014, Maylips has become a leading supplier of cosmetic, skincare, and orthopedic products for medical and aesthetic professionals. Maylips offers a wide range of authentic brand-name products at competitive wholesale prices, sourced from around the world. Whether your practice needs dermal fillers, botulinum toxins, mesotherapy, PRP kits, or other solutions, Maylips can provide high-quality products and exceptional customer service. Maylips is more than just a supplier, it is your partner in achieving your medical and aesthetic goals.


1. Does Restylane help make more collagen?

Yes, trials and studies have observed that Restylane fillers can do more for facial rejuvenation. These fillers can also stimulate the skin’s collagen production.

2. What is Restylane-L?

Restylane-L is a dermal filler that contains medium-sized particles of hyaluronic acid to restore fullness and volume to the skin, and it includes lidocaine to minimize discomfort during the injection.

3. Can men use Restylane?

Aesthetic specialists can use Restylane for men seeking an anti-aging solution without the hassle of surgical procedures.


Reilly D, Lozano J. Skin collagen through the lifestages: importance for skin health and beauty. Plastic and Aesthetic Research. 2021;8:2. doi:10.20517/2347-9264.2020.153

Why collagen levels decline as you age and what to do about it. https://ancientnutrition.com/blogs/all/declining-collagen-levels-as-you-age

Stein L. Plumping up the volume: wrinkle fillers spur collagen production. Scientific American. Published February 20, 2007. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/plumping-up-the-volume-wr/