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Last Updated On: April 29, 2024

Juvederm for Nasolabial Folds: Natural-Looking Results

Published on: Apr 23, 2024

Did you know that nasolabial can appear at any age? These creases often deepen in rounder faces and with aging due to decreased facial volume and increased skin laxity. Though they are a natural part of aging, nasolabial folds can be an aesthetic concern for many.

Juvederm fillers emerge as a powerful tool for practitioners seeking to address these concerns and enhance patient satisfaction. They contain hyaluronic acid that works by restoring lost volume and smoothing wrinkles. These fillers can effectively address nasolabial folds and give patients a younger and more rejuvenated look.

In this article, we’ll explore Juvederm’s potential for treating smile lines, optimal injection techniques, and considerations for successful treatment.

Key Takeaways

  • Juvederm fillers effectively address nasolabial folds, provide natural-looking results, and restore facial volume.
  • Understanding the anatomy of nasolabial folds and the role of hyaluronic acid fillers is crucial for successful treatment.
  • Proper injection techniques, dosing considerations, patient selection criteria, and managing patient concerns are essential for optimal outcomes in Juvederm treatment for nasolabial folds.

About: Trusted by over 2,000+ global clients since 2014, Maylips has become a leading supplier of cosmetic, skincare, and orthopedic products for medical and aesthetic professionals. Maylips offers a wide range of authentic brand-name products at competitive wholesale prices, sourced from around the world. If you’re looking to buy Juvederm online contact our sales team for guidance.

The Anatomy of Nasolabial Folds

pinching the chin

Nasolabial folds can make us look older than we feel. These lines occur due to a combination of aging and facial expressions. The skin around the nose and mouth loses volume and elasticity over time, while daily expressions like smiling and frowning can deepen these lines. 

Juvederm fillers can address nasolabial folds. The filler comprises hyaluronic acid, a natural component of the skin. It adds volume to the skin beneath the surface, restoring lost firmness and moisture and reducing the appearance of nasolabial folds. 

Juvederm has become popular because it is quick, requires minimal downtime, and provides natural-looking results. These improvements can last 18 months, making it a top pick for anyone looking to reduce smile lines without looking overdone.

The Role of Juvederm Fillers in Addressing Nasolabial Folds

injecting filler in the lips

Hyaluronic acid-based dermal fillers can help restore facial volume and reduce the appearance of wrinkles. By replenishing lost facial volume, these fillers can effectively smooth out nasolabial folds and marionette lines, resulting in a youthful look. 

Various dermal fillers are available; some are designed to correct specific wrinkles or lines. One type of filler has a smooth gel consistency that delivers subtle yet effective results, blending seamlessly with natural facial movements. These treatments can help achieve a more youthful appearance without any noticeable signs of work done.

Injection Techniques and Dosing Considerations for Juvederm Treatment

Doctors carefully plan and mark specific spots on and around the nasolabial folds before injecting tiny amounts of Juvederm under the skin. This product helps to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, providing a natural-looking enhancement. Injecting Juvederm requires precision and knowledge of facial anatomy to avoid essential nerves and blood vessels. 

Each face is unique, so doctors tailor their approach to ensure optimal results. By drawing a face map, doctors can cover all areas that need smoothing, resulting in a natural-looking enhancement that enhances your appearance.

When treating nasolabial folds, the amount of Juvederm used can vary depending on the depth of the lines and the patient’s facial structure. A small amount of Juvederm can target specific areas for less pronounced lines. More Juvederm may be necessary for deeper lines to achieve a smoother, more natural look. Ultimately, the amount of Juvederm used will be tailored to the patient’s specific needs.

Patient Selection Criteria for Optimal Juvederm Outcomes

juvederm for marionette lines

Choosing suitable patients for Juvederm treatment involves careful assessment. Medical professionals must consider several key factors to ensure the best outcomes. These considerations help deliver the natural-looking results Juvederm is known for, especially when addressing delicate areas like nasolabial folds.

  • Assess Skin Type and Condition. Juvederm works well with different skin types, but severe skin conditions or infections may delay treatment.
  • Evaluate Age-Related Changes in Facial Structure. Younger patients might have different needs than older individuals whose skin may lack elasticity or volume.
  • Understand the Patient’s Health History. It is crucial to know if the patient has allergies, especially to lidocaine, which some Juvederm products contain.
  • Consider the Severity of Nasolabial Folds. The amount and type of Juvederm needed can vary based on how deep or noticeable the folds are.
  • Discuss Patient Expectations. Ensure they seek improvement rather than perfection and understand what Juvederm can realistically achieve.
  • Review Any Previous Cosmetic Treatments. Past procedures, mainly other fillers or surgeries, can affect how Juvederm works or looks.
  • Determine the Patient’s Tolerance for Maintenance. Some may not be ready for the upkeep required with touch-up treatments every 18 months as the effects wear off.
  • Set realistic Timelines for Results. While Juvederm provides immediate improvements, full effects take days to develop fully.

Identifying Patients Who Are Suitable Candidates for Nasolabial Fold Correction With Juvederm

Juvederm is a popular and effective treatment for correcting nasolabial folds or smile lines. However, only some are ideal candidates for this treatment. Patients with deep nasolabial folds or smile lines seeking subtle enhancements with good skin elasticity and those seeking prevention benefit the most from Juvederm. 

Patients must understand that Juvederm’s effects are temporary and require repeated sessions every 18 months to maintain results. Moreover, patients without severe allergies, those with realistic expectations, and those free from skin infections are preferred. 

Patients not taking blood-thinning medications are also ideal since such medicines can increase the risk of bruising or bleeding at injection sites. By identifying who can benefit from Juvederm treatments, patients can achieve the best outcomes and be happy with their smoother, more youthful appearance.

Managing Patient Concerns and Expectations in Nasolabial Fold Treatment

face checkup

Managing patient concerns and expectations is vital to happy results with Juvederm for nasolabial folds. Juvederm in marionette lines injections can cause worry about pain, swelling, and bruising. These are typical concerns among patients looking for smoother skin and less visible nasolabial folds.

  • Explain the process before starting. Patients feel better when they know what to expect during the Juvederm filler injection.
  • Use a gentle touch. A steady hand can reduce discomfort.
  • Apply numbing cream to the area before injecting. This step helps lessen pain.
  • Choose the correct type of Juvederm for the job. Some types, like Juvederm Vollure, work best for specific areas.
  • Ice the area right after treatment. Cold can cut down on swelling and bruising.
  • Tell patients to avoid heavy exercise for 24 hours. Staying calm and relaxed helps prevent more swelling.
  • Suggest over-the-counter pain relief if needed. Sometimes, a little extra help is okay.
  • Please keep an open line for questions after they go home. Patients might have more worries later on.
  • Show them pictures of what to expect in terms of swelling or bruising. Seeing is believing, making them less anxious.
  • Remind them that results improve with time ā€” sometimes, it takes a few days to see how good they will look.

Setting Realistic Expectations and the Longevity of Juvederm Treatment

Setting realistic expectations is vital for patients considering Juvederm for nasolabial folds. This treatment uses hyaluronic acid to add volume and smooth out wrinkles, offering a natural look that doesn’t change your facial expressions.

The results appear instantly but might take a few days to settle into the final shape. It’s important to know that these outcomes can last up to 18 months, which varies with each person. Factors like skin type, age, and lifestyle significantly affect how long the effects stay.

This consideration helps patients understand what Juvederm can do for their nasolabial folds. They learn it provides firmness and hydration for a youthful look without looking overdone. Discussing injection sites and dosing considerations becomes easier after knowing what to expect from Juvederm treatments.


Juvederm fillers offer a reliable solution for addressing nasolabial folds, providing natural-looking results, and enhancing facial aesthetics. By understanding the anatomy of nasolabial folds, employing proper injection techniques, considering patient selection criteria, and managing patient concerns, medical experts can effectively utilize Juvederm fillers to restore facial harmony and boost patient confidence.


1. What is Juvederm, and how does it work for nasolabial folds?

Juvederm is a dermal filler that softens nasolabial folds by injecting a hyaluronic acid gel, enhancing facial smoothness.

2. Can Juvederm be used for other areas besides nasolabial folds?

Juvederm treats marionette lines effectively, enhances cheeks, and improves chin contours.

3. Is there any difference between Juvederm and Botox?

Botox relaxes muscles to reduce expression lines, while Juvederm fills wrinkles and adds volume, especially in nasolabial folds and lips.

4. What should I do after getting Juvederm injections?

Avoid strenuous activities and direct sunlight post-treatment to minimize swelling or bruising, ensuring better results.


Why do I have nasolabial folds at 19 years old, and what should I do about them? Accessed April 18, 2024. 

M.D RLL. Facts About Juvederm. Short Hills Dermatology. Published June 1, 2015. Accessed April 16, 2024. 

Nasolabial Fold Filler Procedure, Benefits, Risks, and Pictures. Healthline. Published August 13, 2020.