woman getting a temple area treatment
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Last Updated On: March 29, 2024

Temple Fillers: Treatment for Enhancing Facial Contours 

Published on: Aug 25, 2023

In the quest for facial harmony and youthful appearance, one often-overlooked concern is the loss of volume in the temple area. It can lead to a sunken appearance and an imbalance in facial contours. However, the solution lies in the transformative power of temple fillers. Today, we delve into the aesthetic challenge of temple volume loss and how it can effectively restore balance and enhance facial contours.

Why Temples Play a Crucial Role in Facial Beauty

The significance of the temple area becomes especially evident as individuals age. One primary change associated with aging is the natural loss of volume. Over time, the face undergoes changes such as the reduction of subcutaneous fat, collagen depletion, and alterations in bone density, all of which contribute to a sunken and hollow appearance in the temples.

The aging process affects the temple area in several ways:

  • Volume Depletion: The loss of fat and reduced collagen production result in a noticeable volume deficit.
  • Skin Changes: The reduced underlying support affects the overlying skin, making it appear thinner and looser.
  • Sunken Appearance: Temple volume loss leads to a sunken or hollowed look, making individuals appear older than their actual age.

Addressing temple volume loss is where fillers for temples come into play. These fillers, often containing hyaluronic acid, offer an effective solution. When injected into the temple area, dermal fillers restore lost volume, effectively “lifting” and plumping the region, and can also be used for lip wrinkles. This process creates balanced and harmonious facial contours, contributing to a more youthful appearance.

What Does Temple Filler Do?

When injected, fillers begin to attract water and stimulate the production of elastin and collagen. They do this in all areas, no matter where it is injected, but the results differ depending on the area. When injected into the temple area, fillers:  

  • Reduce wrinkles: Dillers can effectively smooth out fine lines and wrinkles in the temple area, contributing to a more youthful appearance.
  • Provides a subtle lift: By adding volume and structure to the temples, fillers create a subtle lifting effect, contributing to improved facial contour and a more refreshed look.
  • Fills in hollow temples: One of the primary functions of temple dermal fillers is to restore volume to hollowed temple areas, addressing the sunken or concave appearance associated with aging.
  • Lifts eyes: The volume enhancement provided by fillers can also lift the eyes, reducing the appearance of sagging or drooping eyelids.
  • Increases skin firmness: Thanks to collagen and elastin production, fillers contribute to increased skin firmness in the treated area, leading to smoother and more taut skin in the temple region.

Temple filler injections are given with either a blunt microcannula or a needle. A blunt cannula is the preferred method because it significantly lowers the risk of piercing artery walls or veins. There are several temple filler injection points one can use, but no matter which one you choose, you always have to keep in mind where the middle temporal vein, superficial temporal artery, and supraorbital artery are and avoid them. If you are having trouble finding the right spot, there is a device called Accuvein that can help you locate all the veins in the area and help you avoid them. 

The Best Temple Lift Fillers

There are no FDA-approved fillers designated specifically for use in the temple area. Therefore, all the fillers we mention here are employed for off-label use. Given the specific area we intend to target, we seek fillers that offer the highest degree of lift, providing significant volume restoration. As an added bonus, these fillers also tend to have longer-lasting results. 

The best temple fillers are Juvederm Voluma and Restylane. These hyaluronic acid fillers are renowned for their effectiveness and high viscosity. Alternatively, there is also Radiesse, although it’s important to note that it falls under the category of calcium hydroxylapatite fillers.

Side Effects

  • Swelling: Swelling is a common side effect after any filler injection. It typically subsides within a few days to a week.
  • Bruising: Bruising can occur at the injection site but usually resolves on its own within a week or two.
  • Redness: Temporary redness or erythema at the temple injection site is common and usually resolves quickly.
  • Tenderness: Some individuals may experience tenderness or discomfort at the treated area, which is usually mild and short-lived.
  • Itching: Itching at the injection site may occur temporarily but typically resolves without intervention.
  • Lumps or Bumps: Occasionally, minor lumps or bumps may develop, but these are usually massaged out by the practitioner during follow-up appointments.

These side effects are generally mild and temporary, and most individuals can resume their normal activities shortly after the procedure. 

How Long Does Temple Filler Last?

The longevity of fillers can vary based on both the specific filler and individual factors. When considering the best filler options:

  • Juvederm Voluma: Typically lasts from 12 to 18 months.
  • Restylane: Provides a duration that can range from 6 to 18 months.
  • Radiesse: Typically yields results for approximately 15 months.

It’s important to note that these timeframes are approximate, and individual patient experiences may differ. Regular touchups will be required for the patient to maintain the optimal result.  


Injecting filler in the temple area offers patients an effective and safe path to facial rejuvenation. This non-surgical procedure, typically completed in under an hour, provides a quick and convenient solution for busy individuals. With minimal downtime and manageable side effects, patients can swiftly return to their daily lives, looking and feeling refreshed through the use of Ellanse and other products.

Mastery of temple fillers raises your practice to a new level of expertise. Applying the proper technique and using your knowledge and experience enables you to achieve subtle yet impactful transformations that boost patient confidence and satisfaction. It’s a testament to the harmonious blend of advanced techniques and modern materials. In essence, temple fillers not only restore youthful appearances but also elevate your practice through the synergy of expertise and innovation.


What do fillers in temples do?

Temple fillers add volume to the area, reduce wrinkles, provide a subtle face and eye lift, and rejuvenate the skin. 

Can you put filler in the temples?

Yes, you can. Using fillers in the temples will help with the hollow appearance. 

How long do fillers in temples last?

Depending on the person and the filler, they can last from 6 to 18 months. 


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