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How Many Units of Botox are Needed for Forehead Wrinkles?

May 9, 2018

The use of Botox is only FDA-approved for treating glabellar lines, also known as the 11 lines, between the eyebrows. It is not illegal to use it in other areas, though, such as in the forehead and facial areas that are prone to dynamic expression lines. Physicians may use it off-label to treat other areas, as long as they are trained and licensed to inject botulinum neurotoxin. Patients who seek treatment for the horizontal lines in their forehead would often ask for additional injections in their glabellar lines.

The broad muscle that extends above the brows to the hairline is called the frontalis muscle. It is the muscle responsible in elevating the brows. A skilled physician must adjust his or her technique to suit the patient’s anatomy and goals. People may have a slightly different contraction of their frontalis. That’s why wrinkles in this area may look different from person to person.

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How Many Units of Botox are Needed for Forehead Wrinkles?

There is no standard dosage of Botox for forehead wrinkles because each patient will have different needs. Some may need less amount in the middle area, and others may need equal distribution across the entire forehead. An overdosage must be avoided because without the action of the frontalis, the constant pull of the three depressor muscles will cause the brow area to sag. Aside from looking flat, it could make the upper eyelids look heavy. Keeping the whole forehead wrinkle-free can also increase the length of the forehead.

The average doses for frontalis injection are as follows:

  • WOMEN – 10 to 30 units
  • MEN – 20 to 40 units

If a patient also seeks Botox treatment for the glabella, injectors may treat the glabella first and have the patient follow up after 2 weeks, so that lower dosages can be used in the forehead. Wider foreheads may require more injection to cover the whole area. Higher doses are known to provide longer duration and efficacy for forehead wrinkles.

*Disclaimer:  Information on Maylips.com is provided for informational purposes only. Self-medication is strictly prohibited. All aesthetic procedures should be provided by the licensed healthcare specialist after the consultation with the personal therapist. The information in this article should not be used for prescribing any medication for the beauty injections.

All brand and medication descriptions in the article are based on the personal opinion and are not endorsed by Maylips.com. The article content was not reviewed for medical validity. Use this article for information and not for a final decision on the procedure.