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What You Should Know About Belotero for Under Eye Hollows

Jun 27, 2018

What is an under-eye hollow?

The under-eye area—also known as the tear trough—is the region extending downwards and outwards from the inner corner of the eye. The skin in this region is very delicate as it consists of a very thin layer of skin at just <1mm. The under-eye region has a high tendency to develop premature ageing signs like fine lines, darkness, puffiness, and hollowness. Under-eye hollows develop when fat pads under the eyes and around the upper cheek area are depleted due to ageing or even weight loss. The absence of fat pads makes the underlying muscles and vast network of blood vessels very prominent, resulting in unsightly under-eye shadows. If left uncorrected, patients with extreme under eye hollows may look gaunt or older than their chronological age.

What is Belotero?

Belotero is a range of non-permanent and biodegradable injectable hyaluronic acid-based gel that is formulated and produced by Merz Pharmaceuticals. These soft tissue fillers contain hyaluronic acid molecules that synthetised from tightly-regulated biofermentation. The extracted and thoroughly purified hyaluronic acid molecules are reticulated with each other using 2 unique manufacturing technologies which are Cohesive Polydensified Matrix (CPM) and Dynamic Cross-Linking Technology (DCLT). The resulting Belotero cosmetic implants are colourless and transparent with the perfect blend of elasticity, cohesivity, and plasticity. There are 5 variations of fillers in this range, so there are options for you to buy Belotero filler to treat under-eye hollows depends on the severity of skin condition.

How is Belotero filler used to correct under eye hollows?

Just like any other aesthetic procedure involving dermal fillers, the patient’s medical information (e.g. existing medical conditions, history of allergic attacks, history of cosmetic procedures, drugs and/or supplements taken, etc.) is reviewed. Facial assessments should also be done to determine the severity of under eye hollow and the amount of Belotero filler required for adequate correction. Once the patient has signed the consent forms, they are prepared for the treatment session. The filler is then slowly injected into the sunken under eye areas until they are seamlessly plumped up. Since a fine gauge needle is used, patients should not feel any pain during the procedure. Most Belotero fillers are also available with lidocaine for increase comfort. Treatment is quick, taking typically about 30 minutes. 

How long will Belotero filler last after being injected into under-eye hollows?

The desirable effects of the soft tissue gel should last for about 6 to 12 months, but this duration varies on an individual basis.

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Belotero side effects

The same as with any other procedures involving minimally-invasive injections, patients will with certainty experience some of the common localised inflammatory side effects such as swelling, pain, discolouration, and redness. It has been shown that the majority of side effects from Belotero should subside within a couple of days, provided patients follow exactly the recommended aftercare methods and schedules; This often includes avoiding places where exposure to extreme temperatures is possible. On the other hand, patients may even develop rare although still serious, reactions like hardening of tissues at injected sites and/or infections. It is very important that physicians explain in detail about the possible side effects that the patients might experience to allow quick identification and swift medical attention. Besides that, patients must also ensure that they visit only certified medical practitioners who are familiar with aesthetic medicine for best results. 

*Disclaimer:  Information on Maylips.com is provided for informational purposes only. Self-medication is strictly prohibited. All aesthetic procedures should be provided by the licensed healthcare specialist after the consultation with the personal therapist. The information in this article should not be used for prescribing any medication for the beauty injections.

All brand and medication descriptions in the article are based on the personal opinion and are not endorsed by Maylips.com. The article content was not reviewed for medical validity. Use this article for information and not for a final decision on the procedure.