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What is the Difference Between Restylane Lyft vs Juvederm Voluma?

Published on: Oct 12, 2018

*Disclaimer:  Information on is provided for informational purposes only. Self-medication is strictly prohibited. All aesthetic procedures should be provided by the licensed healthcare specialist after the consultation with the personal therapist. The information in this article should not be used for prescribing any medication for the beauty injections.

All brand and medication descriptions in the article are based on the personal opinion and are not endorsed by The article content was not reviewed for medical validity. Use this article for information and not for a final decision on the procedure.

How are Restylane Lyft and Juvederm Voluma similar?

Restylane Lyft and Juvederm Voluma are both hyaluronic acid-based dermal fillers that are FDA-approved for treating moderate to severe facial folds and wrinkles and age-related volume loss in the cheeks. Both fillers are suitable for adult patients and can provide long-lasting, though temporary, results. As Restylane Lyft and Juvederm Voluma are both hyaluronic acid fillers, they are both biodegradable and biocompatible, and the effects can be reversed with an injection of hyaluronidase. Both products are able to provide lifting and support in the skin and underneath, adding volume to the mid-face area and smoothing out imperfections.     

What is the difference between Restylane Lyft vs Voluma?

While there are many similarities between the two dermal fillers, there are also some distinct differences between Restylane Lyft vs Voluma. The biggest difference is in the G prime, which measures the fluidity and flow of a liquid. Lyft has a G prime of 531, while Voluma has a G prime of 274. Restylane Lyft vs Voluma also differ in their cohesivity, which affects how the filler spreads within the body. Voluma is more cohesive, which means it spreads less, compared to Lyft. These differences are also shown in the performance of Restylane Lyft vs Voluma. Restylane Lyft is primarily a lifting agent, while the softer Voluma filler requires more syringes than Lyft to get similar results. On average, a patient will require five syringes of Voluma to achieve the same effect as three syringes of Lyft. 

How long does Restylane Lyft vs Voluma last?

Another way in which Restylane Lyft vs Voluma differ is in the expected longevity of results. On average, Restylane Lyft provides effects lasting up to one year, while results from Juvederm Voluma last on average up to two years. 

*Disclaimer:  Information on is provided for informational purposes only. Self-medication is strictly prohibited. All aesthetic procedures should be provided by the licensed healthcare specialist after the consultation with the personal therapist. The information in this article should not be used for prescribing any medication for the beauty injections.

All brand and medication descriptions in the article are based on the personal opinion and are not endorsed by The article content was not reviewed for medical validity. Use this article for information and not for a final decision on the procedure.

Read more about Juvederm